Why should your child learn Sanskrit?

Sanskrit is an ancient language, the oldest in the World. The mother of all languages. The word ‘Sanskrit’ is derived from the prefix of the word ‘Samyak’ which means entirely and ‘krit’ which means ‘done’. Sanskrit means ‘entirely done’, or perfectly done, which encompasses the vastness and complexity of the language. It is an extraordinary language and we can still learn so much from it.. 

Although still taught in certain schools in India, Sanskrit has lost its importance and value in our society. We have labelled it as boring, outdated, and irrelevant. But learning Sanskrit has many benefits, and here’s why we should continue to learn it: should still learn it:

1. Sanskrit is the most structured language 

Children benefit immensely from learning Sanskrit. We know this because research has shown that it positively impacts the development of a child’s mind. Sanskrit is structured meticulously, which means that if you understand the construction, you don’t need to rote learn sentences. 

If the fundamental formulae are taught well, even a child can deduce and derive the rest of the language from it with ease

2. Helps in brain development

Developmental scientists have reported a strong correlation between learning Sanskrit and the development and maturation of a child’s brain. Sanskrit is associated with improved critical thought, language comprehension, verbal memory retention, and decision-making skills.

Research states that learning and using Sanskrit puts more brain areas to use than a Roman script like English. Sanskrit is written in Devanagri. This script literally exercises our brains when we use it.

Learning Sanskrit, especially at a young age, also improves a child’s reading comprehension and speed.

3. Facilitates the learning of other languages

A vast majority of languages have their roots in Sanskrit. Sanskrit has several phonetic, grammatical, and even scriptural similarities with European languages like Greek and Latin. Thus, numerous words in the languages derived from these—such as English, French, Spanish—also showcase parallels with Sanskrit. 

Learning Sanskrit helps students understand the intricacies of the structure of languages and makes it easier to grasp new languages. 

The number of people who know or use Sanskrit is fast declining. Sanskrit has many modern-day benefits and we should value it while attempting to revive it. We should cherish it for its vastness, beauty, structure, and its ability to improve cognition in children.   

Speak Sanskrit makes learning Sanskrit enjoyable for children. We use fun and engaging teaching methods to teach vocabulary and sentence construction. Our students understand the meaning behind Shlokas, making it easy for them to memorise and recite them.

To schedule a free demo session, get in touch.

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